Ulises Cat. Boat Trips Ibiza Formentera Es Vedrà

Three boat trips from Sant Antoni

excursion a Cala Comte en barco

Aguas transparentes, entornos vírgenes, dunas, colinas de pinos, sabinas… La Ibiza que sueñas se encuentra a tiro de piedra de Sant Antoni. Súbete a nuestro barco y descubre Cala Bassa, Cala Salada y Cala Comte, tres de las playas más espectaculares de la isla.

Sheer waters, virgin surroundings, dunes, hills of pines, Juniper Trees …The Ibiza Island you are dreaming about is a stone´s throw away from Sant Antoni. Get into our boat and discover Cala Bassa, Cala Salada and Cala Comte, three of the most spectacular beaches of the island.

Cala Bassa

Surrounded by pines, tamarinds and Juniper Trees, you will love this beautiful crescent- shaped cove if you go with your family. Its seafloors, of sand and soft slopes, make it a real natural pool. Our ship will take you there every day in a nice maritime stroll of 30 minutes during which you can discover other beautiful corners of the West Coast.

Departure Timetable: 10:30, 12:00 and 13:30 h

Return Timetable: 13:00, 16:00 and 18:00 h

Prices Round trip ticket: 8 € adults and 4 € children between 7-12 years

U calabassa01Cala Bassa - Excursiones en barco desde Sant Antoni - Ulises Cat

Platges de Comte

Surely you know it despite you have never been in. The spectacular tonality of its waters have made it one of the most photographed –and visited- beaches of the island. Also due to its views, as from this beach you can see Conillera and Des Bosc Isles, and the Setting Islets (Islotes de Poniente) there on the horizon. Just an advice: Go there soon if you want to choose where to lay out your beach towel

Departure Timetable: 10:30, 12:00 and 13:30 h

Return Timetable: 12:15, 15: 45 and 17:45h

Prices Round trip ticket: 9 € adults and 4,5 € children between 7-12 years

U barco san antonioVe a la playa en barco - Ulises Cat - Excursiones por la costa de Sant Antoni

Cala Salada y Cala Saladeta

Recoleta, rodeada de un bosque de pinos y con un gran encanto marinero. Te encantará si buscas un ambiente relajado y predominantemente familiar. Para llegar a la vecina cala Saladeta, toma el camino que parte desde la casa rosada y sigue por el bosque. Desde este año sólo se permiten 65 coches en el parking de la cala, así que mejor súbete a nuestro barco y disfruta un agradable paseo por la costa.

Horarios ida: 10:00, 11:00 y 13:00 h

Horarios de vuelta: 16:00, 17:00 y 18:00 h

Tarifas I/V: 13 € adultos y 6,5 € niños 7-12 años

Calm, surrounded by a forest of pines and with a great seafarer charm. You will love it if you are looking for a relaxing and predominantly family environment. To reach to the nearby Cala Saladeta, take the path that starts from the rosy house. Since this year only 65 cars are allowed in the car-park of the cove, so you should get into our boat and enjoy a nice stroll by the coast.

Departure Timetables: 10:00, 11:00 y 13:00 h

Return Timetables: 16:00, 17:00 y 18:00 h

Prices Round trip ticket: 13€ adults and 6,5 € children between 7-12 years


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